What are your options?
How can you find authentic, truly engaging entertainment in a locked-down and socially distanced world?
Whilst helping our 2020 clients re-arrange their bookings, we have been working hard to ensure we can offer you all possible entertainment options in the new world we find ourselves in.
As always, we strive to provide the very in entertainment, whether it be in person, on a screen! We have adapted to new platforms and ways of communicating and can bring you the very best in virtual entertainment.
Let us guide you through some of your options.
Virtual Christmas Entertainment

To fend off the unsavoury prospect of a socially distanced Christmas, check out our pick of the best online activities and entertainment options to keep your clients, teams and friends engaged and smiling.
Click the link below to learn about our online Christmas parties, streamed cooking sessions and interactive live-music quizzes.
Remote Team Building Activities

This is an uncertain time for everyone. Coronavirus is having catastrophic health, social and economical impact on the world and just as we care about our team, we want to help you look after yours.
Here are some options for online, engaging activities for virtual team building to help support and engage remote workers.
Socially Distanced Entertainment

Obviously we are now in lockdown 2.0. But there are hopes that Christmas might hold a glimmer of hope for some in-person, socially distanced events. or even small occasions amongst families and households.
We have over 1,000 Acts eager to get back to work and whilst 2020 has not been completely void of bookings for our curated bunch, let’s just say that we know one or two performers who would be thrilled to make your event memorably in any way they can, at any distance required!